Dentistry with a caring touch
Over 35 Years of Experience
Friendly Staff
Locally and Family-Owned
Not taking care of your teeth can destroy the natural beauty of your smile. Everything from food to coffee and alcohol to cigarettes can darken your teeth. We at the Dennis Schulze DDS dental office will ensure you get the beautiful smile you dream of. Call us at (636) 926-9221 today for service!
Your smile is as unique as your fingerprint. That's why you need a custom approach to teeth whitening that fits every curve, so your smile dazzles from every angle. Ask about our lifetime whitening program.
Get closer to teeth that shine brighter than ever before in a comfortable and relaxing environment. With Wi-Fi and TV, you can enjoy comfortable entertainment and get work done on the way to a whiter smile.
Don't put the health and beauty of your teeth in the hands of an inexperienced doctor. Rest assured that Dennis Schulze, DDS has the knowledge and experience you need to have healthy, beautiful teeth for years to come.
Friendly Staff
Have any questions during the teeth whitening procedure? Our friendly staff will provide assistance.
Call us today!
(636) 926-9221
My family of four children and my wife have been going to Dr. Schulze for over twenty years. We have always received prompt and compassionate care for our dental needs. We highly recommend Dr. Schulze and his staff.
- MJR via Healthgrade
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